
Sustainability is an important consideration at Gethsemane. Our desire is to be wise stewards and efficiently use the resources that God provides and make a sustainable impact in Kenya by breaking the cycle of poverty.

We try to keep costs low in a variety of ways while still providing a quality home, quality education, and Godly, dedicated staff for the children in our care. We keep staff costs low by only paying our staff that are on location in Kenya while our limited staff and board members in the U.S. serve on a volunteer basis. We also grow a vegetable garden and raise chickens and cows on the home’s property to keep food costs low.

Our hope is that our impact on each child that enters our home will have an exponential impact in Kenya. We trust that the strong education, the physical and emotional support, and, most importantly, the transforming power of the Gospel will help these children grow into strong adults who will establish healthy homes and families and break the cycle of poverty.


Request a copy of our Annual Report here.

Or, as a 501 (c)3 nonprofit registered in the state of TN, our financial records are also available via public records request to the TN Department of State.

Statement of Faith

Gethsemane International Inc. holds to the following doctrinal truths

The Bible:

Scripture (the Bible) is the Inspired Word of God. Perfect and without error – true and trustworthy. It is our final authority.


There is one and only one true, living God. God is the Eternal Creator of Life, Sovereign King, and Infinite in wisdom, knowledge, power, justice, and holiness. God eternally exists in three distinct persons – God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ:

Jesus is God in the flesh. Jesus was born of a virgin. Jesus lived without sinning. Jesus was the Substitutionary Atonement for Mankind. Jesus rose from the dead in bodily form on the third day as He said He would. Jesus is coming again to judge evil and establish His kingdom.

Holy Spirit:

God’s Holy Spirit indwells every truly born-again Christian at the moment of conversion and baptizes that believer into the Family of Christ. The Holy Spirit is God’s seal that guarantees the believer of their inheritance in Heaven. The Holy Spirit convicts of sin. For the believer the Holy Spirit acts as the guide, teacher, comforter, and counselor.


Man is the special creation of God, made in His own image. Man was created innocent of sin. Man freely chose to sin. Sin results in the separation of Mankind from God and results in Mankind’s future punishment of eternity in a literal lake of fire.


Salvation involves both God’s provision of a way to mend the results of Mankind’s sin and Mankind’s responsibility to properly respond. God loves Mankind and wishes that none receive their earned punishment. God is holy & just and therefore must punish sin. God, through His love, sent Jesus to take the punishment of sin for those who through faith confess their sins and trust Jesus. This Salvation is provided by God’s grace alone and accredited to Mankind only through personal faith in Jesus.