Director of Christian Education & Spiritual Formation
This individual will oversee all Bible classes at Gethsemane International School and will offer advice and guidance to the school staff in regard to incorporating a Biblical worldview throughout the school as well as provide Biblical counsel to the Students & Staff as needed. This individual will also oversee discipleship in the Gethsemane home, providing personal discipleship and Biblical counsel as needed as well as encouraging & supporting the Home Parents.
Director of Health and Wellness
Acting as Gethsemane International’s resident nurse, this healthcare professional will perform regular check-ups for students, staff, and home parents as well as administer basic health care. This role will also support the home parents and school staff with health education and with ensuring healthy practices at Gethsemane International.
IT Manager
Our IT Manager will be responsible for the care and upkeep of computers and other technology at the home and school, including the school computer lab. Depending on a candidate’s experience and aptitude for teaching, this role may also include teaching computer classes at the school.
Business Development Manager
This role is responsible for developing new business ventures for the purpose of increasing the efficiency of Gethsemane International’s operations by providing sustainable sources of supplemental income to the homes. Seeking someone with a creative entrepreneurial spirit!