If 50 Churches Give $1,000…

Two of our children who have grown up at the home have the opportunity to attend the University of Nairobi— an honor similar to attending Harvard or Yale in the United States. But in order for them to take advantage of this opportunity, we need your help. We need 50 Churches to Give $1,000. Share this video below with your Sunday school or small group & let them know how they can make a difference in Kenya!

Project: Computer Lab

The students of Gethsemane International School work hard to keep up with their school work! Help us give them the preparation they need for today’s economy. Specify “Computer Lab” when you donate, and we will put your donation toward buying and maintaining computers and associated supplies.

Project: Music

Every year the Kenyan Ministry of Education updates their standards and requirements for the core school curriculum that Gethsemane International School follows. The latest change that has impacted GIS is the requirement for music classes. Thankfully we have a teacher already on staff who is qualified to teach the classes! We just need musical instruments of all kinds! Specify “Music” when you donate and we will purchase musical instruments in Kenya to help the school meet this new requirement.