Fredrick BEFORE coming to Gethsemane
Fredrick was born in January of 1994, in a small Kenyan village near the border of Uganda in the Mt. Elgon region. By the young age of seven, he had watched his father slowly and painfully die of AIDS. He was devastated watching his father’s body gradually shrivel up and become consumed with this disease.
Very soon afterwards, fear was added to his grief. His mother moved his family to Nairobi looking for a job. When she could not find a job, his fear and anxiety grew as the family ended up in the slums of the largest city in Kenya. He knew the feeling of intense hunger and the emptiness of living without hope. He joined the other children in the slums picking through garbage for food.
Then his mother made the heartbreaking decision to give up her son because she could no longer care for him. We are grateful that God brought Fredrick to our little Gethsemane school, even before our home opened in 2003. Ruth, our teacher, gladly took Frederick into her own home and cared for him as he dealt with his devastating feelings of abandonment.

Fredrick AFTER coming to Gethsemane
Through Ruth and our little Gethsemane school and then later our Gethsemane home, Fredrick received education, food, his own bed, and sincere love from his new home parents. Most importantly, he was able to see the love of Jesus Christ in the Gethsemane home. Because of that example and the tender teaching of the home parents, Fredrick put his faith in Jesus Christ as his personal savior from sin. The transformation in Fredrick after realizing that he will never be abandoned by his Heavenly father was tremendous. That spiritual and eternal transformation is the reason Gethsemane exists.
After graduating from tech school, Fredrick left the home in 2015 and now lives with his wife and child in Uganda. He is actively involved in his local church and is employed as an auto mechanic, using his 2-year certification that he received through funding from the Gethsemane International College Fund.
Please pray that continued sponsors and partners will allow Gethsemane to provide this opportunity to more children who continue to struggle in the slums of Kenya.