Q: How is Gethsemane different from other relief agencies?

We are Christ-centered and seek to, as all Biblical parents, raise children in the knowledge & grace of Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:17-18; Deuteronomy 6:5-7). We provide a home, not an orphanage, institution, or refugee camp. We follow the Biblical model of family, with two godly parents, siblings, family time, and chore responsibilities.

What is the sponsorship money used for?

Sponsorships pay for the clothing, food, and practical needs of a child. Therefore, when all of the children in a home are sponsored the operating expenses of the home are covered and it becomes self-sufficient. However, when the home’s children are not all sponsored then the money for the home’s support must come from elsewhere. When this happens, Gethsemane’s growth is stifled and we are unable to take advantage of more opportunities to reach out to more children. Learn more about our Sponsor Program.

When do the children "age out" of the homes?

Each child that comes into the home stays in the home at least until completing high school. As funds allow, our goal is for every child to also remain in the home while they complete a technical school certificate or college degree program. We want to provide the children with the needed skills, knowledge, and attitudes to “fly” out of the Gethsemane nest and stand on their own two feet. Even after a child leaves the home, our home parents and staff continue to offer guidance and support as needed. Our college fund is not supplied through sponsorships, so if you would like to donate to this fund, please specify “college fund” on any giving.

Are the children available for adoption?

No, unfortunately the Kenyan government discourages such action due to a requirement that adoptive parents meet a one-year residency requirement in Kenya. Because of this law, Gethsemane is committed to developing Biblical homes for the children in Kenya. In addition, our prayer is that these children will grow into godly men and women who will be a light in their own community.

Why not put more children in a home?

In order to more thoroughly meet the children’s needs in a holistic manner, we feel that too many children would overtax the home parents. We are committed to maintaining a Biblical model in our home. Our home parents teach and train the children personally about Jesus Christ. The parents and children spend time together in worship and devotions. And each child learns responsibility by having their own chores and interacting with their siblings. With too many children in the home, we would not be able to invest in each child completely, and our philosophy of a Biblical family would give way. If we add too many children to a single home, our “home” would become more like an institution.

Why are all the children's heads shaved?

Public schools in the area require periodic head shavings due to lice outbreaks. Our children who currently attend local high schools participate in this public health requirement.

Are the Board of Directors compensated in any way?

All of our board members serve on a voluntary basis and are not compensated. We are thankful for our faithful and passionate board. All of them have a heart for the abandoned children of Kenya, and God has used them mightily in growing Gethsemane. Learn more about our Board of Directors here.