The Oloolua Community

For Gethsemane International it is important that the children in our home are grounded in the local Christian community and that they learn to give back to their community. For this reason, we partner with our local church in Oloolua. The pastor and members of this church have been a great support to our ministry, and our staff and children are heavily involved in the church. Our children participate in the youth group and many serve on the worship team and in the choir. The youth pastor has led weekly Bible studies at the home. During our mission trips, we join the church for services, and several times we have used the church building to host medical clinics and VBS for the surrounding area. We are grateful to God for this strong local church and their support of our mission to rescue orphans and raise Godly men and women.

Rural Maasai Land

Just beyond the outskirts of Nairobi and the city of Oloolua, in rural Maasai land, many Maasai villages dot the landscape. This tribe has lead a semi-nomadic and pastoral lifestyle in this region for centuries. As the Kenyan economy has grown and changed, the Maasai people’s land has been reduced drastically, and they have many financial and medical needs.

Since moving to Oloolua, Gethsemane International has sought to both support and reach this community with the Gospel by partnering with a local Maasai pastor. Pastor Samuel (pictured in the white suit next to his wife and parents) grew up in Maasai land and now pastors a church in the village of Enkereyian. Gethsemane International supports this church through prayer, volunteers, and through finances when specific projects arise. We supported Pastor Samuel during his pursuit of a Bible college degree, and our mission trips often host medical clinics and VBS programs either hosted by the church or the local school. We have even been blessed to join Pastor Samuel on one of his evangelism trips to other Maasai villages. Currently we are working to get a water tank installed that will help the entire village of Enkereyian have fresh water on a daily basis. This partnership enriches both the lives of those living in the village of Enkereyian and the lives of our staff, children, and U.S. partners. We thank God for the opportunity to partner with Pastor Samuel and the Enkereyian church.